Leading Hospital Management Software in India

Ezovion Hospital Management Software in India is a comprehensive solution with OPD, IPD, daycare, lab, radiology, pharmacy, and tele-consulting all under one roof.

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We have multiple hospital management software modules that you can personalize according to your needs depending on your hospital requirements.
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Premium Microsoft health cloud for zero downtime and patient data security.

Manage your multi-location or remote patient care using one integrated solution.

Optimize your revenue cycle & accelerate financial management.

Medical Speech To Text Software

Speech to text for faster and accurate clinical documentation.

Experience never-before collaborative care.

Key Features

Here are the key features of our hospital management software.

hospital management software key features

Key Features

Below mention are the key features of our Hospital Management Software in India.
hospital management software key features

Our Customer Locations

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Labs/Blood Banks/Pharmacies

0 K

Patients Records

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Beds being Served


Cities and States

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0 K

Patients Records

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Labs/Blood Banks/Pharmacies

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Beds being Served

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Cities and States

Outpatient Management (OPD Module)

opd management software

With our OPD Module, one login can manage hospitals, and clinic chains of any size across multiple geographical locations. Enhance transparency, streamline workflows, and increase patient engagement through communication management. 

Inpatient Management (IPD Module)

Inpatient Management software

Ezovion IP management is a leading platform in India for managing end-to-end IP operations (as opposed to other broken IP software) with flexibility, automation, intelligent tools, and a high degree of adaptability, allowing hospitals to experience a seamless management experience.

LIMS (Lab)

laboratory information management system

We offer full order management, smart notifications, a phlebotomy app, analytics, detailed reports, and credit settlement services. In India, our laboratory information management system (LIMS) can be used to automate processes and eliminates inaccuracies. 

Pharmacy Management

Pharmacy management software like Ezovion helps manage sales, financial data, and distribution for pharmacies in India. Pharmacists can use the software throughout the entire pharmacy lifecycle, from the front to the back office. 

EHR (Electronic Health Record)

EMR Software

Flexible EHR platform integrated with our Hospital Management Software in India to suit the needs of your practice and your speciality. Providers will find our platform efficient, flexible, and convenient, regardless of whether you practice general medicine, orthopaedics, dentistry, obstetrics, or paediatrics.

Inventory Management Software

hospital Inventory management system

Invoices, purchase transactions, inventory needed for surgeries, and supplier payments can be tracked in real-time using our hospital management software in India (HMS), as well as monitoring product utilization using a control dashboard. 


PACS and Radiology Software

Ezovion’s RIS and PACS Software, compliant with FHIR standards, provide a unified solution for medical image and administration management, serving public and private hospitals and diagnostic centers. Our RIS software fosters patient engagement, while the PACS software enables easy access to medical image records from various digital imaging machines, such as X-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound, for doctors and patients, regardless of location. 

Clinical Assessment Forms

Discover the essential function of Ezovion Clinical Assessment forms in gathering, analyzing, and recording patient data to improve processes and deliver optimal patient care. 

We have Clinical Assessment forms for-

Healthcare Revenue Management Cycle / TPA system

TPA In Medical Insurance

Ezovion Hospital Management software offers a Healthcare Revenue Management Cycle/TPA system, optimizing payer management in hospitals to improve collaboration and communication. It ensures precise and secure handling of patient information, simplifies enrollment procedures, and maintains thorough profiles for error-free claim processing.

FHIR Compliant

Ezovion’s integration engine simplifies health data interoperability across various platforms within the healthcare ecosystem by enabling peer-to-peer data exchange. It guarantees compliance with existing FHIR healthcare databases without necessitating alterations to current deployment setups. This seamless integration enhances communication and data sharing among healthcare systems, fostering improved efficiency and collaboration. 

Operation Theater Management

Operation Theater Management System

The operation theater module handles operation theater scheduling and planning, surgery team management, patient monitoring, operation theater consumable management, resource planning, and more.

Workforce Management 

For a seamless and organised workflow within the healthcare institution, Ezovion’s HR & Payroll Management Software automates all payroll-related procedures as well as high-value HR core processes.

Communication Management 

Ezovion Hospital Communication Management Software in India offers a streamlined communication solution between patients and doctors for effective engagement. You can send single or bulk SMS and WhatsApp texts to your patients directly using our auto-messaging system. Use our user-friendly mobile app to make a voice call with your patients.

Connected Care

Connected Care

Ezovion Hospital Management System is integrated with FDA, CE and ISO certified medical devices for continuous & contactless or contact based vitals monitoring Patients’ vitals can be captured automatically and saved at patient’s electronic health record (EHR) Vitals like- 


Other Products

Hospital management software in india

Make the switch to Ezovion Practice management software- a next-gen AI/ML-based platform tailor-made for every healthcare specialty. Manage your hospital management end-to-end from patient registration to analytics, leverage our custom tools to simplify your practice and engage patients better with a powerful communication module.  We offer a highly centralized, flexible and automated platform that covers your practice management from every angle to every phase. 

Other Products That Our
Customers Love

Practice Management Software

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Why Choose Ezovion Hospital Management Software for Superior Healthcare in India?

Health Data Exchange

FHIR standards that maintains interoperability solutions for health data exchange

Continuous Patient Care

Seamless device integration and easy teleconsultation solutions for virtual patient care.

AI – Powered Solutions

Our FracID AI Solution helps automate the X-ray image processing, clear image noises, interpretation process, and generate assessment reports for a better patient care experience.

Modular Solution

Build a customized digital healthcare platform from our 45+ modules for your healthcare practice.

Primary & Secondary Care

Experience the best of primary and secondary care solutions in basic to advanced care for inpatient and outpatients involving specialized treatment

Community Care

We have advanced modules for efficient vaccination and public screening management for early detection and prevention of health issues.

Trusted By

Trusted by Providers Across India

Our Customers Rated Us the Best!


Digital technology has made communication between healthcare providers and patients’ straightforward email, smartphones, text messaging, and other technologies allow healthcare workers to stay in touch. Patients no longer need to receive letters reminding them of their appointments and tests as you can add reminders via HMS software’s self-generated reminding options. 

An increasing model is used in Hospital Management Systems because software requirements are initially well-defined, but development efforts are linear.  

These are the features of a hospital management system you should look for… 

  • Outpatient Payment Alerts and Process Management.  
  • Digital Imaging and Diagnostics Management.  
  • Intuitive And Useful Patient Portal.  
  • Staff Interaction and Collaboration.  
  • Claims Management.  
  • Workforce management. 
  • Lab management. 

There are many features incorporated in the software which helps hospital and doctor, as given below 

  • Doctors can access all historical information from the system via our OP and IP patient care modules, eliminating the need for physical files in the hospital. 
  • When pathology laboratories are part of hospitals, doctors and nurses can view lab reports directly from their consulting rooms, avoiding using paper reports. 
  • Nurses are alerted based on the timeframe set for taking any actions or administering medication based on the system’s alerts. 

Ezovion Hospital Management software has proven effective in terms of revenue sharing. A doctor-by-doctor report can be generated for a chosen period by assigning a patient to a particular doctor, doctor, or even a particular service. When standard norms are followed, the system calculates revenue sharing directly. As a result, there is complete transparency and accuracy. 

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