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Healthy Nutrition Habits and Tips for Busy Lifestyles: Eating Well on the Go 

Healthy Nutrition Habits and Tips for Busy Lifestyles: Eating Well on the Go 

Author: Sameera J Khan

February 19, 2024

Category: General

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Table of Contents

Healthy Nutrition Habits and Tips for Busy Lifestyles: Eating Well on the Go 

In today’s fast-paced world, juggling work, family, and social commitments often leaves little time for meal planning and preparation. As a result, many of us find ourselves resorting to fast food or convenience meals, which can compromise our nutritional intake and overall health. However, eating well on the go and adapting healthy nutrition habits is not only possible but also essential for maintaining energy levels, supporting mental clarity, and promoting long-term health.  

Nourishing Your Body: Healthy Nutrition and Eating Habits

WHO Recommends:

The components of a nutritious diet to maintain healthy nutrition habits can vary based on personal requirements, regional food availability, dietary traditions, cultural practices, and other factors. Nonetheless, the fundamental principles of a healthy diet apply universally. Addressing food accessibility necessitates comprehensive societal strategies aimed at promoting safe and nutritious food choices.1 

  • It is required to maintain our diet in such a way as to balance out the required amount of protein, vitamins and minerals through a varied diet, largely plant-based, and balancing energy intake with expenditure in order to maintain the needs of energy.  
  • Take a balanced diet plan that consists of carbohydrates to obtain the largest amount of energy which is mainly through legumes and wholegrain cereals.  
  • Fat consumption should be managed by reducing total fats to less than 30% of total energy intake, by avoiding fat intake from saturated and trans-fat replacing them with unsaturated fats, and avoiding consuming industrial trans fats in your diet. 
  • Reducing free sugars from the total energy intake to less than 10% or ideally 5%  
  • Restricting sodium intake to under 2 grams daily (equal to 5 grams of salt). 
  • Ensuring the consumption of a minimum of 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day for adults and children over 10, and 250–350 grams per day for younger children. 

Here are some healthy nutrition habits and tips to help you navigate busy lifestyles and make healthier food choices on the go: 

1. Plan Ahead:

Take a few minutes at the beginning of each week to plan your meals and snacks. Choose nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats that can be easily prepared or packed for on-the-go consumption. 

2. Pack Healthy Snacks:

Keep a stash of portable snacks in your bag or car to curb hunger and prevent unhealthy food choices when you’re on the move. Options like nuts, seeds, fruit, yoghurt, whole grain crackers, and pre-cut veggies with hummus are convenient and nutritious choices. 

3. Choose Smart Fast-Food Options:

When eating out or grabbing food on the go, opt for healthier fast-food options such as salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, or wraps with plenty of vegetables. Look for restaurants or cafes that offer customizable options and priorities whole-food ingredients. 

4. Prioritize Protein and Fiber:

Protein and fibre-rich foods help keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods, preventing energy crashes and unhealthy snacking. Incorporate sources of lean protein such as chicken, fish, tofu, beans, and lentils, as well as high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your meals and snacks. 

5. Stay Hydrated:

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining energy levels and supporting overall health. Always keep a reusable water bottle with you and aim to drink water regularly throughout the day. Herbal teas, sparkling water, and infused water are also refreshing and hydrating options. 

6. Be Mindful of Portion Sizes:

Pay attention to portion sizes when eating on the go, as oversized portions can contribute to excess calorie intake and weight gain. Use visual cues such as your hand or comparison to everyday objects to estimate portion sizes and avoid overeating. 

7. Practice Balance, Not Perfection:

While it’s important to prioritize healthy nutrition habits in order to maintain nutritious food choices, it’s also essential to practice flexibility and moderation. Give yourself permission to enjoy an occasional indulgence or treat without feeling guilty, while maintaining a focus on making balanced choices most of the time. 

By incorporating these healthy nutrition habits and tips into your busy lifestyle, you can prioritise your health and well-being while on the go. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and vitality, so start today and enjoy the benefits of eating well wherever life takes you. 


  1. Healthy diet (who.int) ↩︎
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