Mobile App Access for Patients

Instant Access to Patient Health Records

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Manage your appointments, and access your vitals, prescriptions, lab reports, medical images, discharge summaries, bills and receipts in one app!

Access your medical records anytime and anywhere

Effortless appointment management easy scheduling, rescheduling, or cancellations

Communicate securely with your doctor for remote care

Receive real-time updates on medical procedures, surgeries, or test results

Enjoy the convenience of virtual consultations for non-emergency concerns

Mobile App Access for Patients

Patient’s Dashboard

Patients can access their hospital visit details in an easy-to-understand dashboard on our mobile app

  • Holistic view of your health records and vitals.  
  • Connect your glucose meter via device integration system. 
  • View appointment or medication reminders


Making an appointment and keeping track via getting reminders has now become easy with our patient mobile app.

  • Make video consulting or in-clinic appointment 
  • Check for slot availability. 
  • View past and future appointments 
  • Register offline and confirm your appointment.

Prescription, Lab and Radiology Reports

View your prescription, lab reports and radiology reports with images. You can connect anytime with your doctor via teleconsultation feature.

  • Receive prescriptions and reports in real-time. 
  • View, download, share your reports 
  • View your radiology images and analysis under the DICOM viewer.

Bills and Payment

The patients can access the billing details here and access the records anytime.

  • Pay bills with an integrated payment gateway. 
  • View payment receipts in real time. 
  • Manage past bills, view, download and share 

Vital Device Integration

Are you a diabetic and tired of keeping manual blood glucose records? Try Ezovion vital device integration to track and keep your doctor informed of your blood glucose levels.

  • Get your Safe AQ Smart Blood Glucose Monitoring System by SinoCare to connect with the Ezovion mobile app. 
  • Keep your doctors informed by your real-time Blood glucose readings for keen observation. 
  • Make your details automatically available for doctors’ access to prescribe you the appropriate dosage of medications. 

Management of the patient on an overall basis

You can track and monitor your data using mobile devices, tablets, and wearables. It is helpful for both patients and healthcare professionals for the right diagnosis at the right time. 

patient health record
efficiency enhancement

Easy-to-Use and Advanced Approach

We introduced a new level of efficiency in hospital management and service delivery, breaking down traditional barriers. These steps play a crucial role in minimizing errors, facilitating accurate diagnoses, and addressing various healthcare challenges. Overall, technology has set a higher standard for patient care.

How Ezovion Hospital Mobile App Will Add Value to Your Healthcare?


Yes, if he/she is a first-time patient, they must complete a brief one-time registration process. Then they can arrange an appointment with the selected doctor on the available days and times Registered patients can directly schedule appointments.  

Yes, both clinic and video consulting appointments can be booked with Ezovion Mobile App.  

Yes, if a doctor is unable to attend a scheduled appointment, they can use the Ezovion Mobile App to notify their patients of the cancellation. This allows people to reschedule appointments with the doctor or, in the event of an emergency, book appointments with other doctors who are available.   

Yes, both doctors and patients can view the lab results with Ezovion Mobile App. You need not wait for paper-based lab reports for treating your patients. This saves time and improves patients care.  

Yes, E-prescription option is available in Ezovion Mobile App for doctors and the patients can collect the prescribed medicines in the pharmacy directly. 

Explore the integrated features of our healthcare solutions through a free demo registration.

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