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How to keep yourself motivated during the pandemic?

How to keep yourself motivated during the pandemic?

Author: Dr Nirupama M P

August 27, 2021

Category: General

Last Updated: April 20, 2023

The prevailing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in multiple ways. It has played a significant role in affecting global trade, mental health, and disrupted everyone’s lives in all ways. Staying motivated and productive during these uncertain times can be challenging. Facing uncertainty, in a true sense, is a lot more difficult than enduring physical pain. It can disrupt our life and create uncertainty, which can cause fear and anxiety about the present and future.

It is currently very important to stay motivated and productive and we must get rid of stress, open our minds to new ideas, learn, and have different perspectives about life. Here I have listed 7 ways that can help us to stay motivated and productive during these difficult times.

1. Focus on what you have and celebrate every little thing
With so many negative things happening around you it is hard to stay positive. However, try and focus on positives and find innovative ways to continue working, living, dreaming, and hoping for a better future. It is important to focus on what you have and put your energy into the good things in your life no matter how bad you may be feeling. Always keep your mind and thoughts positive. Feeling positive and hopeful for a better future can go a long way in helping us to feel motivated.
2. Stay connected with yourself first and then with friends and family
Pandemic allowed us to spend more time with ourselves. Use this time to know yourself and reflect. Building a relationship with oneself is as important as building it with others. Also, be in touch with your friends and family members to motivate them, lift their spirits, and alleviate their mood, which eventually brings you joy. It can bring a sense of togetherness and strengthen our bonds.
3. Dream: Set a goal for yourself and work for it
If you do not have a dream, you will lose hope in life and you will become less motivated
because you might feel that you have nothing to accomplish, and no goals to achieve and you gradually lose interest in your own self! Get engaged in yourself, find a purpose for your life, learn new things, and participate in a range of activities that keep you engaged and make you feel good. Since many of us are working from home we hardly have any access to the outside world. But thanks to technology we have everything at our fingertips. Set small goals, one at a time! Learn new traits, take up online courses, cook, dance, sing do what makes you  excited and brings joy to you! Make a routine and fix it, also allow yourself to relax and enjoy.
4. Find yourself and get motivated
Spend enough time with yourself, be honest with yourself, forgive yourself and discover what really motivates you. Let go of things that made you cry, rediscover your happiness and bloom with grace. Do whatever makes you happy and spend your time valuably to explore your own self and bring positivity to your life. There are many reasons to be sad and disappointed, but you find that one reason which can keep you motivated!
5. Accept what it is and accommodate yourself
The situation we all are in is our existing reality! Let us all accept it and find ways to live
with it. Digitization has taken over and it has re-engineered the way we used to live, work,
and connect. We all are dependent on technology to study, work and socialize therefore it is important to embrace technology and sustain with our work and lives.
6. Do not blame yourself: Say no to guilt
It is very normal to feel low and feel guilty about everything that did not go right, take it easy it is ok to feel that way. It is a normal feeling! To overcome this low moment, give more time to yourself! Find your “ME TIME”, take care of yourself. Self-care is very important and honour your body and give your time to groom it. Always make time to relax and do what makes you relax. Watch your favourite movie, have a long bath, listen to music, try cooking, meditate or workout find your way. When you self-indulge, you will not search for happiness outside, you will find it within. Prepare yourself for tomorrow! What went by will never come back so stop worrying about and think about tomorrow. Prioritize your life, do what is necessary and do not stress yourself, do one thing at a time, and be kind to yourself. We all have bad days, we all feel low, and this is completely normal. But what is important is how fast we can come out of it and restart again.
7. Plan your day: Make a daily routine
We are used to the specific routines at home, school and workplace that boost us through the day. Routines keep you motivated and keep us prepared for the next action and next role. Unfortunately, the pandemic has forced us to be at home. It is difficult to work or study from home with all the drama happening around. So, make the routine, particularly on your own work schedule. Try to set tasks for the next day, create a morning routine and for the entire day. Set your goals for the next day and make sure your goals are realistic and have your food on time. Give yourself proper break to rest and work.
Overall, I would like to conclude by saying that life has no rules to live! Live how you want
but make sure you live right! Now, how to live right is the question one should ask self and
find answers to life, to be motivated and happy! Ultimately finding ourselves, listening to
what our mind says and converging our thoughts, efforts on things that make us happy will
bring meaning and ultimate joy to our lives!

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